Cust+++ title = ‘Fuzzing’ +++
Rate Limited?
Try to run techniques from 403 Bypass
Configure your options! You can customize your ffuf with special information, here’s a sample:
# https://github.com/ffuf/ffuf
ffuf -w /path/to/wordlist -u https://target/FUZZ
# Multiple sources
ffuf -w http-methods:METHOD -w payloads:PAYLOAD -w headers:HEADER -u "https://example.com/PAYLOAD" -H "HEADER:" -X "METHOD"
# Multiple URLs and mutiple files example
ffuf -u URL/FUZZ -w listofurls:URL -w listofpaths:FUZZ -maxtime 300 -t 500 -c -v
# Custom input
seq 0 1000 | ffuf -u 'http://ffuf.me/cd/pipes/user?id=FUZZ' -w -
#Burp-like request
ffuf -request /tmp/req.txt -w -
# Cool ffuf flags
-ac: Calibrate requests to unmatch false positives
-recursion: recursion
-se: Stop on erors
-sf: Stop on 95% 403 Forbidden, possible WAF ban
Remove noise
Ffuf can generate a large output, even with -ac
flag enabled. To filter dummy and extract only juicy information, it is possible to use ffufPostprocessing
# https://github.com/Damian89/ffufPostprocessing
ffufPostprocessing -result-file /tmp/ffuf/results.json -bodies-folder /tmp/ffuf/bodies/ -delete-bodies -overwrite-result-file
Backup Files
Tempers file to find possible backup files based in file name
# https://github.com/mazen160/bfac
bfac --no-text --url http://example.com/test.php --level 2
Generate a bunch of breaking-strings to test your target
URL | Description |
https://github.com/p0dalirius/webapp-wordlists | This repo contains wordlists for a lot of webapps |
https://github.com/six2dez/OneListForAll | Huge list of paths and files |
https://www.acceis.fr/ffuf-advanced-tricks/ | ffuf tricks |
https://github.com/Escape-Technologies/graphql-wordlist/tree/main | Initially for graphql, works everywhere |